Academic Study Advisors and Examination Officers of Faculty 10

If the information available here does not help you with your studies and you have further questions, the academic study advisors will be happy to help you.

Please note that only those contacts are listed on this page that are relevant for the English-language MSc Mathematics!
If you are looking for contacts for the German-language programmes, please check the German version of this page.

Please also note that although e-mail can be a convenient medium, many questions require personal contact. This applies in particular to questions about complex special cases in the examination regulations (e.g. change of modules and courses, repeating exams, grade improvement options), changes of subjects and degree programmes, extra-curricular studies, Bachelor-Master transitions, etc.

Please understand that we do not have time to answer these types of questions extensively via e-mail!
(We almost always have an extraordinary large number of further queries in these cases, and there is usually no "simple", generally valid and short explanation).

If no contact person is named for your question, please send your enquiry to the general academic student advisory service; your enquiry will be forwarded then.

General academic student advisory service

Study Programme Academic Study Advisors

Subject-specific course guidance for all Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes of Faculty 10
(not for the PhD programmes)

The usual consultation options by the academic student advisory service are currently not available for MSc Mathematics students. Please follow the link for further information.

Dr. Angela Holtmann
(General Academic Study Advisor)


For the issuing of placement certificates and for the recognition of examination achievements and of required coursework, please contact the examinations officer listed below directly (and not the general academic student advisory service)!
You will obtain the certificates at the department only from the examinations officer.


(Academic) Examination officer

Study Programme (Academic) Examination officer

Examinations officer (and academic study advisor)


  • Master of Science

Prof. Dr. Martin Hils